Monthly Archives: August 2013

It’s in the stars…

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website

star of david

In 1959, a Czechoslo­vakian radio engineer, named Karl Drbal, received a patent for a model pyramid that regenerates a dull steel razor blade to its full sharpness.

His patented method of sharpening a blade involves pointing one angle of the pyra­mid toward true north, and then placing the blade under the pyramid so the edge lies in the direction of the electro-magnetic ley lines of the Earth grid. The magnetic energy of the Earth then sharpens the blade by eliminating the disturbances in the bonds of its structure.[i]

Christopher Dunn is a mechanical engineer who has worked primarily in aerospace with an emphasis on precision and laser application. In 1998, he wrote a best-selling book titled The Giza Power Plant. In his book, he describes how he spent 24 years reverse-engineering the Great Pyramid in Egypt and, in doing so, he discovered that its design is that of a power station.[ii]

In fact, the energetic power of all pyramids is that they create a force field, which amplifies whatever energy lies beneath them. The word pyramid takes its origins from the Greek meaning ‘fire in the center of.’ The Egyptian people accidentally discovered this power long after the Great Pyramid was built, and then harnessed it to mummify their pharaohs.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the Mysterious. It is the source of all true Art and Science. Albert Einstein

There are five geometric shapes that have faces, edges and angles that are congruent. Revered by the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, each of these Platonic Solids produces specific energetic effects. The pyramid is one of these shapes. In geometry, the three-sided pyramid is known as the Tetrahedron.

Hebrew LettersWhen two Tetrahedrons are merged together, they form a Star Tetrahedron – the Star of David.  The Star of David is the symbol of Judaism, a set of religious beliefs and practices that originated from the Hebrew Bible. It is interesting to note that, when drawn overtop of one another, each of the 24 letters in the ancient language of Hebrew together form the Star of David.

Spiritually, the Star of David is the Merkaba, which is the Light-body.  In the language of Hebrew, the word Merkaba means ‘the heavenly Throne-Chariot.’

Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.  Ezekiel 1:20

The Tetrahedron is the most fundamental building block of life on Earth. The geometric shape of the water molecule is the Tetrahedron. Currently, it is water that supports life.

The molecule of Silicon is also in the shape of the Tetrahedron.[iii]  And Silicon can also support life.  But what is most interesting is that the Silicon micro-­computer chip is in the geometric shape of the Star Tetrahedron – the Star of David.

The Star Tetrahedron is the electric balance to magnetism. This is how data is stored so efficiently within a computer. It is this geometric shape that provides for memory.[iv]



syn·chro·nic·i·ty  /ˌsiNGkrəˈnisitē/  Noun – The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.  (Via definition of synchronicity – Google Search).

A friend called me last week.  We hadn’t connected for quite some time.  I was too busy to answer the call.  Packing up for a 5 day convention in Philly, I had 50 things to do before I left.  But by the 4th ring, I reluctantly answered.  This friend only calls me when something supernatural happens.  Something that begs noticing.  The undeniable stuff I can’t seem to refuse.  Colleen tells me that she met some woman at a spiritual workshop.  The woman doesn’t know why, but feels they are supposed to connect, so they follow-up with a call after the workshop.  Within a few minutes Colleen realizes the woman is actually looking for me.  I have information that the woman needs – about the end of July 2013.  Colleen gives me the woman’s number and says goodbye.

“Here we go down another rabbit hole”  I think to myself.  “I have no time for this today!”  But like an addict with their heroine, I can’t say no.  I call the woman.  Her name is Debbie.

Debbie and I have never met.  We live in different states – a few hours apart.  We never worked together, went to school together nor did our kids every play together.  And yet only 6 days later, we have talked to each other over 20 times (between emails, texts and calls).

We have read the same books, seen the same “signs”, had the same visions, and are extremely knowledgeable about the same unique information – some of it rather ancient in nature.   We are related in some mysterious way that neither of us find particularly surprising – because both of us have walked this walk all of our lives.

The walk is called SYNCHRONICITY and there’s no escaping it!

(More to come…)